Tuesday 15 October 2013

On the 20th April 2013 I arrived at Denpasar airport with mixed emotions, still awake from the night before, ready to head back to Australia. Sad that this amazing journey was at an end but excited knowing I would see family, friends and be back in my home town soon.    We went and stayed with my sister, my brother in law and my new nephew who I hardly knew, plus my parents were there for the home coming also. 

It was great to see everyone again, but to no-one’s surprise the old boy had me working straight away and we were into it, no sleep and a raging hangover in full effect! We chopped down trees, carved them up, cleared paddocks, built gates and drains, rounded up sheep, carted hay…  I thought I was gonna die after being so slack for nearly a year!  But it felt great to be doing something like that again and being able to help out. 

As keen as I was to get back to my home town, (something I thought I would never say after 23 years!) to see friends and get out fishing, my stay in Perth was extended longer than I had planned.  It was great seeing my family but everybody was so busy and my dad had already gone back north, I wasn’t getting to spend much time with them all.  Plus after the daily excitement that my life had become, I was getting restless staying in Perth. 

Stenty, from the Solomon’s trip, was coming down to the city for his brother’s wedding and buck’s party so I figured I would wait around for a lift home.  I was more conscious than ever about saving money and to fly back home from Perth is possibly the most expensive domestic flight in Australia.  Besides, I couldn’t miss a buck’s party….